Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wow My Zager Guitar Has Great Features with Amazing Sound

From: Tony Branco

Had a really good experience with my Zager yesterday.  There were eight of us doing a jam session.  As soon as I entered the room, the two most experienced players immediately gravitated toward my guitar.  One played it for about twenty minutes.  His response was "WOW!".
He told the other guy - you gotta try this guitar!  The other guy played it for about twenty minutes too.  I ended up playing a Takamine.

 As soon as I got home yesterday, I came to your web site and purchased a case.  Now, I can rest easy taking my Zager to the next jam session.

1 comment:

  1. Great Review Tony.I have two acoustic zager one is zad50 and another is zad20. i love my zagers. Amazing customer support by zager. So Play it and enjoy.
